S 966:Stop Campaign Cash "Catch 22" in North Carolina

We know that some of our officials are in a catch 22 situation – accept donations from special interests – or – run an underfunded campaign. We can help officials running for office by supporting S-966 , “Expand Voter-Owned Elections for Council of State.”

*Could you please take the easy, 60 second action alert prepared by Democracy For NC?
*In that action alert, please note in the comments that NC Verified Voting supports S966.
This sends a message that the verified voting folks are still out there and still care about elections.

Clean elections are part of the big picture, and that means helping candidates run without fear of conflict of interest.
Democracy for NC says:
“Right now, candidates who lead regulatory agencies (like the state Treasurer and Commissioner of Labor) get most of their campaign money from the very businesses their agencies contract with or regulate.
Voter-Owned Elections gives candidates an alternative: They can qualify for public campaign financing by first collecting lots of small donations from registered voters. VOE is working now for the Insurance Commissioner and two other Council of State offices, as well as for state judges. We must expand the program.”
Thank you to all dedicated verified voting activists for your help in this matter.
The North Carolina Coalition for Verified Voting is a grassroots non-partisan organization fighting for clean and verified elections. We study and research the issue of voting to ensure the dignity and integrity of the intention of each voting citizen. The NC Voter Verified Coalition has consistently fought for increasing access, participation and ensuring the voter franchise. Contact Joyce McCloy, Director, N.C. Coalition for Verifiable Voting – phone 336-794-1240 – email Join the NC Coalition for Verified Voting

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